I finally got with the program and put up a design wall (excuse the terrible lighting). Very high tech. A flannel backed plastic tablecloth and pushpins. The project on display is a distraction from hand quilting my fall wall hanging (I will finish it this weekend, promise).
I made these blocks ages ago, and will be using them to make a baby quilt for Shawn's friend and his wife. The blocks were already sewn together for various abandoned projects and I am looking forward to using them for something fun and exciting. I'm not sure of the layout just yet, I would like to use as many as I've already made, and avoid having to raid the scrap bins to make more (although I am prepared to make a few more).
The current dilemma is finding a way to incorporate both the multicoloured and monochromatic blocks without it looking mismatched or like switched gears halfway through. I've entertained the idea of making the main part of the quilt monochromatic and putting a small border/strip of pink, green or whatever and then putting one or two rows of the multi interspersed with turquoise mono. I don't really want a real border, just the strip to break up the two styles.
I would really welcome any and all suggestions.