This is the 25 block quilt top that I sent to Tia for the Bushfire Quilt Project.
Here is the signature square with some kind words for the recipients.

These are the 3 blocks I made for Project Improv.

They will be assembled into charity quilts with other blocks created in one of the three colourways. I can't wait to see the finished quilts. They will definitely spread some happiness.
I love, love, LOVE your "Project Improve" log cabin blocks. The creative interpretation of the color scheme is fantastic!
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed making them.
Wow! Your quilt top and your Improv blocks are great! I really like the hummingbird fabric too!
thanks you! I love how the stars turned out. I'd like to make one for myself, or a gift.
Sarah! Your star quilt block is stunning! Your Project Improv blocks are even better! You are a clever chickadee!
Thanks Helen!
Lovely colours, I adore those stars! I'm also making quilts and collecting some for my sewing group to finish for the Bushfire relief. I've got six on the go, let's hope we finish them this weekend!
cheers, Taccolina (of Posted Stitches as well)
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